Save the Date: March 7, a Day of Giving

Eco Living
Feb 7th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” —Helen Keller

That’s the spirit behind a new fundraising campaign that Sustainable America is participating in on March 7 in Fairfield County, Conn., the county where our offices are located. The program is Fairfield County Giving Day, a 24-hour giving effort to raise money for charities throughout southwestern Connecticut, and we’re asking for your support.

Here’s how it works: The Fairfield County Community Foundation (FCCF) has launched where they will list the nearly 200 participating nonprofit organizations. On March 7 at midnight, the site will be open for donations, and then anyone can choose the charities they’d like to support until it closes at 11:59 p.m.

Here’s how you can help: If you contribute to Sustainable America on March 7 through, your donation will help us compete for part of a $100,000 prize pool. A donation of just $10 can make a difference; in fact, there are prizes for organizations that have the most numbers of donations, regardless of the size.

The more gifts we receive on March 7, the greater our chance to win the top prize of $25,000. The prize will help our efforts to make America a more sustainable place –and make your generosity go even further.

If you’ve been thinking about giving to Sustainable America, mark your calendar for March 7. All gifts are tax-deductible and will directly support our efforts to make America’s food and transportation systems more sustainable by using less (fewer inputs and more responsible consumption), making more (through alternative sourcing for food and fuel), and wasting nothing.

At Sustainable America we believe that small individual actions can add up to big changes. This is true whether you are use less fuel in your car, compost your food waste, or give a small donation to support causes your believe in.

With your help, we WILL reach our fundraising goal of $3,000 on Fairfield County Giving Day. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you can share in the excitement and tell your friends to join in!

Tagged: sustainable living, Sustainable America, FCGives, Fairfield County Giving Day, Fairfield County Community Foundation, fundraising, Green Living

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