Flying or Driving? Which Is More Efficient?
Jan 20th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
Today’s “most improved” award goes to the airline industry, which has outpaced gains in fuel efficiency fourfold compared to car travel over the past 40 years.
A new [report]( from the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute shows that flying has become 74% more efficient per passenger since 1970 while driving gained only 17% efficiency per passenger. In fact, the average plane trip has been more fuel efficient than the average car trip since as far back as 2000, according to their calculations.
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9 Reasons to Get Excited About Cars in 2014
Jan 16th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
With the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) a wrap and the North American International Auto Show underway now, there has been a flurry of automobile news so far this year. While there were few truly groundbreaking announcements for alternative-fuel vehicles, there is plenty of good news to report. Thanks to increased fuel economy regulations, carmakers are continuing to tweak their cars to deliver more fuel economy at all levels of the market. While many innovations are ready to hit the roads, others are still aspirational ideas for the future. Here are nine reasons we're excited about 2014's new crop of cars and trucks.
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L.A. Port Project Aims to Reduce Wasteful Idling
Jan 13th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
Freight is an essential part of the world economy, and goods are largely moved with fossil fuels. But wait times, congestion, idling, and other factors all lead to wasted fuel and air pollution. With U.S. domestic freight expected to double and international freight to triple by the year 2035, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) is spurring development of information systems to improve the efficiency of moving goods. Here's how they hope to do it...
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What Is Precision Agriculture?
Jan 10th, 2014 | By Nicole Rogers
With the global demand for calories expected to grow by almost 50% over the next 40 years, the question on many minds is how to produce enough food to feed the world population. Though crop yields in the United States have grown in the last decade, they must continue to grow — and some farms are starting to use precision agriculture to do just that.
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Eco Living
A Commitment to Transparency
Jan 9th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
We’re proud to announce that Sustainable America has earned a Gold-level Exchange Seal from GuideStar, the online listing service for nonprofit organizations. It’s a rating that is shared by only 5 percent of the more than 32,000 organizations that GuideStar lists.
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Eco Living
8 Food and Fuel Trends We Love
Jan 6th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
'Tis the season for trend lists as everyone tries to predict the next big thing for the year ahead. We’ve culled through the lists to compile our own tally of trends that relate to the issues Sustainable America supports: sustainable food and fuel. The good news is that finding encouraging trend predictions was easy—now let's work together to make them come true!
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Eco Living
6 Eco-Friendly Snow Removal Ideas
Jan 3rd, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
Once the first big snowstorm hits every winter, the impending task of removing the snow and ice it leaves behind is in the forefront of many minds. Forget gas-guzzling snow blowers, harmful salt, and toxic chemicals, and use these environmental options instead.
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NFL Food Waste Fuels the Future
Dec 30th, 2013 | By Cedric Rose
At FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland, a new partnership with the Cleveland Browns and the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has implemented a new system which will divert an estimated 35 tons of stadium food waste from landfills into biodigesters for conversion into energy. The system, called Grind2Energy, is far more than an industrial-strength garbage disposal — it’s an integrated system that includes leasing, installation, and service coverage of a closed system that grinds up food waste into a slurry and transports it to an anaerobic digestion facility where it is converted to energy.
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Vecarius: Taking the Heat...and Using It
Dec 23rd, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock
Our global oil system is operating at near capacity—97 percent—which just isn't sustainable. Because 70% of oil consumption in the U.S. is used for ground transportation, reducing the amount of gas used by vehicles is key to heading off an impending crisis. Boston-based Vecarius, which recently won the 2013 Sustainable America/Greentown Labs Fellowship, is working to tackle this problem by turning vehicles' exhaust waste heat into energy, technology that can reduce fuel usage in vehicles by 5 to 10 percent. We talked to CEO Steven Casey to learn more about his innovative product.
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