Food System

Lemon Trees for All in San Francisco

Oct 2nd, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

A project called Just One Tree has a singular but ambitious goal: to make sure San Francisco can grow all the lemons it consumes. To do this, the community will need to produce 461 tons of lemons annually—that's a lot of lemons! But Dr. Isabel Wade, founder and executive director of Just One Tree, thinks it's possible. She's put together a program to encourage residents to plant new lemon trees and register existing ones to meet the goal.
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Eco Living

5 Anti-Idling Videos We Love

Sep 30th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

You've seen our anti-idling video, right? It's part of our I Turn It Off campaign to end unnecessary idling. Well, It turns out that we're not the only ones working to end unnecessary idling. Local governments, school districts and air quality agencies all over the country (and Canada) have take up the cause — and some of them have made their own videos. Some are slick, others homemade and campy, but they all share a common message: Stop idling! Here are some of our favorites.
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Test Drive an EV This Weekend

Sep 27th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

If you're tired of ballooning gas costs, you're curious about those nifty new electric car-charging stations installed at your grocery store or office — or you live in one of these 10 states, it might be time to get serious about plug-in electric vehicles. This weekend you can do just that at National Plug In Day, a series of free events happening in more than 90 cities around the country.
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Eco Living

What Is Hugelkultur?

Sep 25th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

Practiced for centuries in Eastern Europe and Germany, *hugelkultur* is the process of making raised garden beds filled with rotten wood. The result is a low-maintenance garden that doesn't require irrigation or fertilization. Hugelkulture beds have naturally good drainage and produce incredibly rich, fertile soil that retains moisture. It's also a great way to upcycle woody debris. Hugelkultur is often utilized in permaculture systems and even works in the desert!
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Eco Living

Earthships: Extreme Sustainability

Sep 24th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

Earthships are structures made from old tires and bottles, produce all the energy they need to operate, recycle water for multiple uses and grow food on site. What could be more sustainable than that?
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How Green Is Your Airline?

Sep 20th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

A new ranking of U.S. domestic airlines based on fuel efficiency makes it easier for passengers to choose a lower carbon footprint on their next flight.
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Eco Living

Live Green CT: A Zero-Waste Affair

Sep 17th, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

This past weekend we had the pleasure of sponsoring Live Green Connecticut!'s 4th annual festival bringing together environmental educators, nonprofits, and businesses alike to showcase the latest in green technology, recycling, conservation, health and wellness, climate protection, and sustainable living. Last week we wrote about our goal to "Make a Green Fest Greener" and we did just that.
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Eco Living

Auto Racing Shifts to Green

Sep 16th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

As the world of professional sports strives to become more sustainable, auto racing has become a somewhat surprising leader in the field. NASCAR and Formula E can be credited with making some of the first and biggest steps forward for sustainability in the sport.
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Eco Living

Will Insects Save Our Food Supply?

Sep 13th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

Insects contain more protein per pound than any meat and are easy to raise with little polluting side effects. Will we all eat insects in the future?
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