Food System

Food Waste For Fresh Produce

Sep 6th, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

Hello Compost launches a program to help low-income New York City residents trade in their food waste for locally grown fresh produce.
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Start-Ups: Apply for Fellowship & Co-working Space at Greentown Labs

Sep 5th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Today, we’re excited to announce that Sustainable America is partnering with Greentown Labs, a Massachusetts-based cleantech business incubator, to offer a year-long fellowship program for start-ups engaged in sustainable solutions focused on transportation or agriculture.
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Food System

Open Source Farming

Aug 28th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

Farm Hack brings hi-tech innovation to the traditionally low-tech world of farming.
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Food System

What is a Food Hub?

Aug 26th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

Food hubs are a crucial, but often invisible, part of the local food system. They help small farms grow by offering a combination of production, distribution, and marketing services. There are now 236 food hubs in the U.S., with more popping up all the time.
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Eco Living

Save Fuel With Your Smartphone

Aug 22nd, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

Fuel economy is obviously very important to American drivers, and yet many drivers have no idea that poor driving habits can reduce fuel economy by as much as one-third. Drivers typically evaluate vehicles by their fuel economy, but simple actions like strong accelerations, abrupt braking, and idling can stand in the way of taking full advantage of a vehicle's efficiency potential. And guess what, there are apps for that. Here's a look at several that help save fuel.
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Rental Cars Are Going Greener

Aug 21st, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

In addition to being eco-friendly and saving money on fuel on vacations and business trips, renting an alternative-fuel vehicle is a great way to test one out before making a purchase. Most rental car companies are now catering to eco- and cost-conscious drivers by offering a variety of hybrid and electric cars for both long-term rentals and shorter, by-the-hour use. For some consumers, a rental my be their first experience with this new technology.
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Eco Living

Let's Save 300,000 Gallons of Gas a Year

Aug 19th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Since we launched our [Turn It Off anti-idling campaign](, thousands of people have pledged to stop unnecessary idling. Many people who signed the pledge have asked for ways to spread the word about idling in their local communities. We thought that was a great idea, so we just launched an anti-idling toolkit with free downloadable posters, flyers, and infographics, ready for printing and sharing.
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Eco Living

Four Ways to Help Bees

Aug 16th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

One-third of U.S. honeybee colonies died last winter, threatening our entire food system. Insects pollinate a third of everything humans eat – that's one in three bites you take – including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and the forage that feeds livestock. Put in simplest terms, as the bee population declines, so does our food supply. We provide a few ways you can help the bees right now.
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Food System

Urban Farming Goes Multi-Locational

Aug 15th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

One of the critical hurdles that farmers in urban areas face is access to affordable land for growing food. The concept of a multi-locational or decentralized farm is an elegant solution to growing food in diverse urban and suburban settings. It seems that more and more farms are using the multi-locational model. We found quite a few successful operations in Canada in particular.
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