
New Work Perk: EV-Charging Stations

Jun 17th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

With electric vehicles becoming an increasingly popular way to save money on gasoline and promote sustainability, more employers are installing charging stations at the workplace.
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Eco Living

The Truth About Idling [infographic]

Jun 11th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

As part of our Turn It Off anti-idling campaign, we created this handy, shareable infographic that explains the facts about idling and why it is a crucial economic, health, and environmental issue. A small change to your daily driving habits can make a big change. Take a look, then take the pledge to stop idling and spread the word.
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Eco Living

Announcing the 'Turn It Off' Anti-Idling Campaign

Jun 10th, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

Sustainable America is launching the "I Turn It Off" campaign to raise awareness about the negative consequences of idling and educate drivers on how a small change to a daily habit can make a big impact. Learn more and pledge to curb idling at
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Eco Living

The US and UK Take on Food Waste

Jun 5th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

In light of the new U.S. Food Waste Challenge announced this week by the USDA, we're taking a look at proactive stance the United Kingdom has taken against the same problem across the pond.
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Sustainable Parking Technology

May 31st, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

Have you received a parking ticket lately? Or maybe you've watched your gas dial drop as you hunt for a parking spot? Luckily, it looks like the days of cruising for a parking spot may be coming to an end in the near future, which means less frustration and less gas wasted.
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Food System

Oprah's New Venture...Farming

May 30th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

Oprah is known for starting contagious trends, and some hope that her decision to grow food on 16 acres of her Maui estate will spark a trend in local food production nationwide.
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The Falling Costs of Electric Vehicles

May 27th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

What if you could drive an electric vehicle for virtually nothing? In some states, this is actually possible, as a recent Wall Street Journal article reports. Several car companies are offering discount leases this year, the federal government offers a $7,500 tax credit, and several states offer additional credits and incentives. Learn how Georgia resident Bronson Beisel, fared on a lease for a new Nissan Leaf, and what other companies are offering.
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Eco Living

10 Reasons to Turn Off an Idling Car

May 24th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

It happens, we know. You're picking up a friend, waiting for your fast food order or just trying to warm up your car on cold morning — and you leave it running for a little while. It's easy to let those minutes tick by, but getting into the habit of turning your car off when you'll be idle for more than 10 seconds can make a big difference. Here's why...
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Food System

New York City's Food Waste Challenge

May 22nd, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

If we're going to get serious about reducing the staggering amount of food wasted in the United States—40 percent!—it's going to take more than a few backyard compost bins. Restaurants and food service providers, which account for approximately 22% of food wasted in this country, have plenty of room for improvement. But, as NPR reported last fall, many restaurants simply don't make food waste reduction a priority. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is hoping to change that with his recently announced Food Waste Challenge.
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