Food System
Our Most Popular Food Stories of 2012
Dec 24th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
A list of Sustainable America's top 5 posts on food issues in 2012. From composting & food waste to The Farm Bill and a food forest, we hope we've given you some food for thought this year!
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Building a Better 'Car'
Dec 21st, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Part car, part motorcycle, all electric, Lit Motors' C-1 might be the future of commuting. Most Americans commute alone in cars built for four. The C-1 is built for one, can go 200 miles on a single charge and can get a driver to and from work for less than 50 cents a day!
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Eco Living
25 Facts for a Sustainable Holiday Season
Dec 19th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
In our holiday infographic, we share interesting statistics, facts, and good practices to think about as you eat, travel and celebrate this holiday season. Happy Holidays from Sustainable America!
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Food System
Wholesome Wave
Dec 19th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
Wholesome Wave is a non-profit with a mission to "improve access and affordability of fresh, healthy, locally-grown produce to historically underserved communities." Its founders believe that "doing so creates economic viability through local food commerce that can rebuild our nation’s food system."
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Cellulosic biofuel finally hits the big leagues
Dec 17th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
KiOR opens the world's largest cellulosic biofuels plant with the capacity to produce up to 40,000 gallons of gasoline and diesel a day from agricultural byproducts.
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Eco Living
Gallons per mile
Dec 14th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
We've been taught to think of fuel efficiency in 'miles per gallon' but these researchers show that it's 'gallons per mile' that really make the difference...
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Food System
How superstorms and extreme weather events are affecting agriculture
Dec 10th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
In the last decade we have witnessed an incredible amount of droughts, hurricanes, floods and now superstorms. How can we create resiliency in our food systems in the face of these increasingly frequent and extreme weather events?
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Algae-derived biofuel hits the road!
Dec 7th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
"Soladiesel" is a new 20% algae biofuel blend being offered only at Propel fueling stations for one month to see how consumers respond. Is this the wave of the biofueled future?
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Eco Living
Curbside Composting Gains Steam in Portland, Maine
Dec 5th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Residents in Portland, Maine, have one less reason to waste food. In August, Sable Sanborn and Tyler Frank started Garbage to Garden, a curbside composting program that already boasts more than 400 subscribers.
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