Eco Living
Join Us at the Boston Local Food Festival
Sep 4th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
On Sunday, Sept. 14, from 11 to 5, Sustainable America will be at the Boston Local Food Festival teaching festivalgoers about food waste issues and solutions, including home composting and the Grind2Energy Technology. Stop buy and pick up a free guide to composting!
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Eco Living
How a Uniform Company Saved $25K by Helping the Environment
Sep 2nd, 2014 | By Katrina Kazda
We're proud to announce that Crown Uniform and Linen is the first member of Sustainable America's Idle-Free Fleet program. This family-owned uniform company rolled out an idling-reduction pilot program with just 20 trucks this spring and is already on track to save more than $25,000 a year. Here's how they did it...
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7 Ways to Take Action on Idling
Aug 29th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
Most people don't realize how much gas they're wasting by idling their cars. But once they learn the facts about idling, they're usually more than willing to change their behavior. With that in mind, we've put together seven steps you can take to raise awareness about this important issue. Help us make turning off your engine rather than idling as commonplace as wearing your seat belt!
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Food System
Fair Food Fund: Closing the Farm-to-Table Gap
Aug 25th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
A new crop of businesses is developing that utilizes the food local farms produce, whether they are processing it for resale or using it as ingredients to produce new products. The Fair Food Fund, a new program from Fair Food Network, is hoping to help these businesses thrive by providing financing and business support for this often overlooked sector of the burgeoning local food system. We talked to its program director, Alex Linkow, to learn more about how the Fair Food Fund works and why it's important to support the "middleman."
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The Compostable Cup Conundrum
Aug 22nd, 2014 | By Jeremy Kranowitz
In theory, compostable cups made from corn seem like a great idea, but in practice they're not aways the environmental boon we'd like them to be. Find out why in the latest blog post from Executive Director Jeremy Kranowitz.
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Eco Living
10 Ways to Use Extra Garden Vegetables
Aug 20th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
If your garden did well this year, there’s only so much tomato sauce you can make and so many zucchini breads you can freeze before you realize there’s just no way you’re going to be able to eat your garden’s bounty by yourself. Thankfully, there are many of ways to make good use of the surplus. After all, the average American wastes over 20 pounds of food each month – don’t let your overflowing garden add even more to this number!
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Eco Living
Meet the Man Who's Asked Thousands of New Yorkers to Stop Idling
Aug 18th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
*“Excuse me for bothering you… but are you aware that it’s against the law to idle your car engine in NYC for more than 3 minutes?”*
Those are the words George Pakenham, a New Yorker who works in finance, has used to start thousands of discussions though car windows on the streets of Manhattan. What started as an impulsive act on his Upper East Side block in 2005 evolved into a full-blown citizen activism campaign that went all the way to City Hall and is still going strong. We caught up with George to find out more about his vigilante approach to environmental justice and "Idle Threat: Man on Emission," the award-winning documentary he made about it.
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Eco Living
This Weekend: Visit Us at Boston GreenFest!
Aug 12th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
If you’re in the Boston area this weekend and you’re interested in the environment, then you won’t want to miss Boston GreenFest 2014. This free, three-day festival, which brings together greater Boston’s green community to share ideas and learn about how to build a healthy and sustainable future, is happening Aug. 15-17 at Boston City Hall Plaza. Sustainable America will be there hosting screenings of "Idle Threat: Man on Emission," educating about clean transportation and zero-waste events, and showing off innovative alt-fuel vehicles. Here's where you'll find us:
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How Much Can You Save with an Electric Vehicle?
Aug 8th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
If you know anything about electric vehicles, you probably know that they cost less to operate than gasoline-fueled cars. But the savings get harder to discern when you’re trying to figure out which car to buy. Will a used plug-in electric hybrid get better mileage than a new fuel-efficient gas-powered car? How do the electricity rates in your area affect the costs? A new tool called EV Explorer can answer those questions.
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