Eco Living

FC Gives — And Beyond

Mar 17th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

The Big Day has finally come…and gone! After about a month of promotion, promise and preparation, Fairfield County Giving Day is over. The results were impressive, and we are very grateful for the support we received.
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Waste-to-Value: The Next Big Thing?

Mar 10th, 2014 | By Gray Peckham

"Waste-to-value" is a great buzzword and even better concept. It cuts right to the core of what we really need in society today – practical means of taking the waste we generate and repurposing it, profitably if possible, into things we need.
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Food System

How to Eat Local in Winter (Infographic)

Mar 5th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

In many parts of the country, locally available fresh produce is strictly limited by the seasons. But despite the dearth of fresh produce in winter, you can still round out your diet with locally sourced foods like the 10 listed in our infographic below. You might have to do a little research to find them all in your area, but your effort will be deliciously rewarded.
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Eco Living

3 Golden Rules of Recycling

Feb 28th, 2014 | By Katrina Kazda

Recycling programs have been in place for decades, so you’d think we’d all be pros by now. But many of us still hesitate at the recycling bin as we try to figure out what can and cannot be recycled. Which numbers can I recycle? Cap or no cap? What about plastic bags? And as communities begin to add organics collection programs, there’s bound to be an extra layer of confusion around the compost bin. These three simple rules—plus some insight into what happens to your recyclables once they’re dumped in the truck—will set you on the path to being a zero-waste champion!
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Eco Living

Success Means Wasting Less

Feb 27th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

As we head into an exciting fundraising campaign this Friday — Fairfield County Giving Day — we wanted to share more about the specific projects your generous donations help fund.
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A Better Way to Check Tire Pressure

Feb 26th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

How often do you check your car’s tire pressure? Do you even know how often you should check your tire pressure? It's not a difficult task, but it’s not convenient, either. You have to find your gauge, keep track of four tiny caps, get your hands dirty, wrestle with an air hose. Is it all worth it? Well, yes. And a new product called RightPSI will make the task much easier.
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Food System

Sustainable Suds

Feb 24th, 2014 | By Cedric Rose

The average American drinks about 300 beers a year—that’s almost six billion pints nationwide. All that beer begins as a boil of grains that are discarded early in the process. Sending thousands of pounds of damp, spent grains to the landfill is not only expensive, it’s a waste of resources. But brewers are an ingenious group, and many—large and small—have found myriad ways to get more mileage from this useful byproduct.
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New Efficiency Standards Ordered for Heavy-Duty Trucks

Feb 21st, 2014 | By Nicole Rogers

As part of an ongoing efficiency and conservation effort, President Obama announced this week that his administration will set higher fuel-efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks by March 2016, a move that could reduce dependence on foreign oil, cut fuel costs, and lower consumer prices.
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First Look: Our New Headquarters

Feb 19th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

When it came time to design permanent office space for Sustainable America in Stamford, Conn., our dream was for it to be more than just a collection of desks and conference rooms. We wanted to showcase the innovations that will help us build more sustainable food and fuel systems. Here's a first look at our plans: compost bins, growing walls, EVs and more!
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