Eco Living

8 Ways to Waste Less Food at Thanksgiving

Nov 22nd, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Of all the food-centric holidays, Thanksgiving may be the one that truly brings out our inner glutton. We celebrate with a feast that’s so expansive, the leftovers are often anticipated as much as (if not more than) the meal itself! With all that food, of course, there’s bound to be some food waste; even those coveted leftovers get relegated to the garbage can in a day or two if they’re not eaten. Thankfully (pun intended), with a little advance planning and a few Turkey Day tactics under your apron, you can serve up a delicious, satisfying, zero-waste Thanksgiving feast.
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Finalists Announced for Sustainable America/Greentown Labs Fellowship

Nov 21st, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

The applications are in for our new fellowship program, and we’re excited by all the innovative startups that applied. We’ve narrowed the applicant pool down to nine exciting ventures engaged in trying to solve a number of problems in agriculture and transportation via sustainable solutions.
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Food System

New Meaning for “Airplane Food”

Nov 18th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

While rushing to board your next flight, you might not expect farmers’ markets and urban farms among the airport’s fast food joints, mani-pedi stations, and newsstands. At four U.S. airports, however, travelers are encountering exactly that. Check out how the local food movement has arrived at airline terminals in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
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Eco Living

Campuses Fight Food Waste

Nov 14th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

From trayless cafeterias to thriving food recovery programs and composting, college campuses and students are tackling food waste and food insecurity nationwide. We highlight some effective programs.
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Food System

What Is Agroforestry?

Nov 12th, 2013 | By Cedric Rose

If you’ve ever sipped a cup of shade-grown coffee, you’ve savored the fruits of agroforestry, the subject of a new USDA report about an age-old practice now used by growers in developing nations to boost production and profits while conserving resources and promoting biodiversity. Using shade trees, an agroforestry practice called “forest farming,” reduces stress on coffee crops, retains moisture, and shelters pest-eating, pollinating critters, all of which means a better product and healthier operation.
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Eco Living

5 (More) Anti-Idling Heroes

Nov 8th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Back in July, we wrote about five people and organizations that were doing a great job of spreading awareness about idling. Every week we hear about more people and projects that are working to raise awareness about idling, so it's already time to expand our list.
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8 States to Push Zero-Emission Cars

Nov 6th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

In October, governors from eight states, representing almost a quarter of the U.S. car market, announced an agreement to put 3.3 million zero-emission vehicles on the roads of their states by 2025. Here's a state-by-state snapshot of how these states support clean cars.
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INFOGRAPHIC: Grow Where You Are

Nov 5th, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

After our recent interview with Dan Susman about Growing Cities, his new documentary about urban farming, we were inspired to translate the movie's core message—"Grow where you are!"—into a digestible guide. Whether it's planting a windowsill garden, joining a community garden or even building a backyard chicken coop, there are numerous ways to move from relying on factory farms to growing food for yourself and your community, even in a big city.
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Eco Living

How to Compost a Halloween Pumpkin

Oct 31st, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

It might be a stretch to think of pumpkins as food once they're carved and lit and spooky. But just as many resources went into growing your toothy jack o' lantern as did your lunch—and it will produce just as much planet-wrecking methane as it rots. If you don't want to be haunted by thoughts of your orange orbs contributing to the 40% of food we waste in this country, there are alternatives.
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