Food System

Behind the Scenes at a Zero-Waste Event

Oct 28th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Earlier this month, as the official Food & Waste Education Partner for the SXSW Eco 2013 conference in Austin, Sustainable America worked to capture and compost food waste from the third-annual event. Well, the numbers are in, and the conference was successful in diverting almost all of its waste—an impressive 97%!—to recycling and composting facilities instead of landfills. Here's a look at what goes into corralling a bunch of sandwich crusts and compostable forks into the proper places so it can be recycled into compost rather than go to waste in a landfill.
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Fuel From Landfill Methane Hits The Market

Oct 25th, 2013 | By Aubrey Yee

Clean Energy Fuel releases Redeem, a truly renewable natural gas fuel made from landfill methane gas, to be sold at 40 filling stations across California.
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Ag Innovations: Robotic Bug Trackers

Oct 23rd, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Here's a head-scratching statistic: In 2010, crop growers in the United States lost $20 billion a year due to insect damage despite spending $4.5 billion on pesticide applications. It turns out that agricultural pest management is a surprisingly inefficient system that involves sticky traps, updating spreadsheets, and a lot of legwork. An Indiana-based startup, has come up with a way to save growers legwork, hassle, and money—and reduce the amount of pesticides sprayed on crops—by automating the insect-tracking process. We spoke with Kim Nicholson, Spensa Technologies' vice president of business development, to learn more about the product and the company.
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Update: Deadline Extended for Cleantech Fellowship

Oct 21st, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Northeast-based cleantech startups have a little more time to enter the fellowship program Sustainable America is producing with Greentown Labs. The competition is open to start-ups engaged in sustainable solutions focused on transportation or agriculture.
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Food System

"Ugly" Produce Can Be A Beautiful Thing

Oct 18th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

In recent years, an international movement to embrace "ugly" produce has taken root. The idea is simple – by using the edible, but slightly less beautiful fruits and vegetables that are typically discarded, we can decrease food waste and feed more people. Some of the U.K.'s biggest supermarkets have embraced this concept. Here in the states, while some charities and food banks have been doing this kind of work for years, many American businesses are just starting to consider the problem and potential of ugly produce.
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Food System

'Growing Cities' Digs Into Urban Farming

Oct 17th, 2013 | By Laura Waldman

Recently we had the pleasure of speaking with Dan Susman, director and producer of the new documentary *Growing Cities*. The film follows Dan and his co-producer Andrew Monbouquette across the United States as they examine the growing urban farming movement. The Nebraska natives visited a total of 80 farms in vacant lots, rooftops, and backyards and interviewed the passionate people from all walks of life who tend them. Along the way, they learned a lot about community, food justice, and eating urban squirrels (spoiler: try at your own risk).
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And the Winners Are...

Oct 14th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

The results are in from the Village Capital VentureWell startup accelerator program that took place in Louisville this summer. Two innovative ventures were selected by their peers to receive $50,000 to continue growing their young companies.
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Eco Living

Top Tweets From SXSW Eco

Oct 11th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

We just got back from the 2013 SXSW Eco conference, the third-annual Austin, Texas, meeting of movers and shakers in the environmental movement. We helped wrangle the event's food waste to the compost heap instead of the landfill as SXSW Eco's official Food & Waste Education Partner, and our own Jeremy Kranowitz and Gray Peckham took part in a panel discussion about Program-Related Investments. We also gathered lots of fodder for upcoming articles. In the meantime, here are crowdsourced highlights from the conference via Twitter.
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Food System

Fresh, Local Produce, Even in Winter

Oct 7th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

As great as it is to eat local, in most of the U.S. there are certain months of the year when it is difficult, if not impossible, to eat local food fresh from the field. Thankfully, a new crop of food hub entrepreneurs are thinking beyond the growing season by freezing fresh summer produce to sell locally in the winter.
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