Five Amazing Things You Won't Believe Run on Biofuels
Oct 2nd, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Some people associate biofuels with long hair and environmentalism, and that's fine! In fact, you'll see Mr. Willie Nelson is featured prominently on our list. But with innovations in renewable fuels made everyday, biofuel is popping up in some unexpected, exciting, and high-performance places! Here is our list of a few of the most remarkable.
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Food System
A New NRDC Report Shows That America Wastes 40% of Its Food
Oct 1st, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
40% of food available to Americans is discarded, and most of that uneaten food ends up rotting in landfills. A new [report]( by the NRDC has compiled many existing statistics to demonstrate the magnitude of [food waste]( in the U.S.
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Eco Living
The benefits of eating real food...
Sep 28th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
"The China Study" purports simple, straightforward advice for healthy eating - eat more plants and less animal protein. Turns out these words of wisdom are also beneficial for the environment and for reducing our energy and water use within the national food systems.
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Weeding robots
Sep 26th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
Blue River Technology has created a weeding robot that could help to keep millions of pounds of herbicides out of the environment and out of our food.
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Eco Living
Food expiration dates
Sep 24th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
The milk looks fine, it smells fine, but the 'Sell-by' date passed a few days ago. Should you drink it?
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Food System
Sep 21st, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
Most compost systems can't take meat and dairy. Bokashi can take it all! And with an airtight bin, it's perfect for apartments or indoor composting. No smell and no pests...
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Food System
Farm Aid's Annual Benefit Concert
Sep 19th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
The sold-out Farm Aid Music and Food Festival returns to Hersheypark Stadium in Hersey, Pennsylvania on September 22, 2012. Farm Aid is the longest running benefit concert series in America, raising more than $39 million to help family farmers all over the country. Even though the show is sold out, a webcast will also be available on Farm Aid's website for those who can't attend. See this year's line up.
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How To Compost In Your Apartment
Sep 17th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
As part of our series on composting, we offer this handy illustrated guide to composting in your apartment. If you have been thinking you might be interested in taking the plunge into composting, read on and have fun! Our guide gives you all of the tools you need to get started. Composting can be a rewarding experience in efficiency and self-reliance. Waste not, want not!
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Food System
Oysters For Chickens
Sep 14th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Guest-blogger Justine Wenger of [The Market Restaurant](, a seasonal restaurant on Lobster Cove in Massachusetts, enlightens us as to what a seaside restaurant can do with all of those discarded oyster shells – feed them to local chickens to improve eggshell and soil quality for area farmers.
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