
An emissions reality check...

Sep 10th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

Carbon dioxide emissions could fall by [150 million tons per year]( if coal plants are replaced by natural-gas fired combined cycle plants. That's equal to taking some 13,000 cars off the road each year.
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Food System

What are feed additives?

Sep 7th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

Have you ever wondered what the food you eat has been eating during its lifetime? It's probably more complicated than you could imagine. Feed additives are huge multi-billion dollar business. From antibiotics to basic vitamins, learn more about the wild world of livestock feed.
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Food System

Coming soon, 3-D printed meat

Sep 5th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

Peter Theil's venture capital firm Breakout Labs is betting on the future of 3-D printed meat and leather. With a grant for their research, the start-up Modern Meadow hopes to have the technology within a year that will enable meat and leather to be printed from cell cultures.
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Food System


Sep 4th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

PharmPods let you grow greens in a shipping container - almost anywhere. With a proprietary technology and a brilliant business plan, PharmPod founder Scott Dittman hopes to see greens grown all over in his innovative hydroponic growing containers. It's the type of innovation we need in the quest to develop more local food sources and reduce food miles.
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Global Oil Balance to Remain Tight in 2013

Aug 31st, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

A highly respected research provider, Cornerstone Analytics has allowed us to republish a preview of their 2013 Global Oil Capacity Forecast, originally published August 23, 2012. The outlook is not good for global oil balance, which likely means even higher oil prices, and bouts of global economic malaise. Some of the numbers here are pretty shocking.
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Food System

From The Battlefield to The Farm

Aug 29th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

Colin Archipley, a decorated Marine Sargent and Iraq War vet, and his wife Karen, own a successful organic hydroponic greenhouse operation in California. Troubled by the plight of veterans and returning servicemen and servicewomen, they formed the Veterans Sustainable Agriculture Training (VSAT) program. The program provides vets and their spouses with an entrepreneurial training program in sustainable agriculture.
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Natural Gas, Electric Vehicles & Twilight for the Combustion Engine

Aug 27th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

What might the future look like if we reframed the problem of oil with a roadmap for natural gas fueling next-generation electric vehicles? Guest blogger and professional futurist Garry Golden makes a case for natural gas as fuel for the electric cars of tomorrow, and twilight for the combustion engine.
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A $9 bicycle made from cardboard

Aug 24th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

Imagine a $9 bicycle made from recycled cardboard! This is not a dream, but inventory Izhar Gafni's reality. After three years of persistent and tireless trial and error, the Israeli inventor has created a cardboard bicycle that withstands the elements, looks really cool and will help make biking financially accessible to millions more people worldwide. In the effort to reduce oil consumption, pioneers like Gafni are at the forefront of important and inspiring innovation.
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The debate over Natural Gas

Aug 22nd, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

Natural gas as an alternative to oil has been a heated topic of debate. With the release of films like "Gaslands" and other calls for alarm in the media, it's become difficult to discern reality from unfounded anxiety. We've tried to clarify this complex issue by laying out the basic arguments and evidence from both sides of the camp. With the lower emissions of natural gas and its position as a currently cheaper and domestically produced alternative to imported oil, there seems to be a strong case for natural gas as an intermediate solution to help ease America's oil addiction while we refine more long-term sustainable alternatives.
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