Food System

Water rationing in the 2012 drought

Jul 26th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

With comparisons to the dustbowl experience of the early 1930s already starting to circulate, it is still unknown how bad the drought we're experiencing this summer can get.
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The Real Game-Changing Event In Energy

Jul 25th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

At Sustainable America we find this article from 13D Research interesting and on point. We believe it helps highlight the vulnerabilities of our economy to global oil supply, and the need for reducing our reliance on oil for transportation uses.
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Food System

The Drought of 2012

Jul 24th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration created the animation below to show the affects of the historic 2012 drought on vegetation month by month. It's eerie to watch the dying vegetation spread across the country. You can also see how the first half of July has seen an acceleration of burned-out vegetation brought on by high temperatures and by the length of the drought.
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Dropping Oil Prices & Alternative Energy

Jul 23rd, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

High oil prices this decade have been hard on Americans, but if there has been any silver lining, it's been the [growth of alternative energy]( investment and innovation spurred by the rising cost of oil.
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WikiCells Edible Packaging

Jul 22nd, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

Imagine if after eating your ice cream, you could eat the package that it came in. Might sound like fantasy, but thanks to Harvard Professor David Edwards, this idea has now become reality. It's a bold and innovative move towards eliminating plastic and paper in packaging using the principles of biomimicry, a practice that looks to models, systems and elements in nature to create solutions to human problems.
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The Future of Biofuel

Jul 20th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

The future of biofuels remains uncertain. While many hail the advent of advanced biofuels or second-generation biofuels, the reality is that many of the newer forms of biofuel have yet to be proven viable outside of the laboratory.
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Food System

The Whole Ox Deli

Jul 19th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

The local food movement has been gaining ground recently in the sunny city of Honolulu. At the forefront of the culinary shift are a few brave souls who believe in the power of combining locally sourced foods with creative menus and innovative restaurant concepts.
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Food System

Invasion of the Superweeds

Jul 18th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

What is a weed? According to Wikipedia, a weed is "A herbaceous plant not valued for use or beauty, growing wild and rank, and regarded as cumbering the ground or hindering the growth of superior vegetation..." A fitting description for the invasive superweeds currently inundating America's agricultural heartlands.
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GMOs that prevent cancer

Jul 17th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee

The debate over GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) rages on with ballot initiatives this election year addressing the issue of proper labeling on food products containing GMOs, and a new batch of superweeds that are resistant to the herbicides used on GMO crops plaguing farmers across the country.
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