Renewable Energy Around The World

Aug 1st, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers

In light of the G20 Summit in Mexico this summer, Sustainable America took a look at what has changed since 2002, when this group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 major economies pledged to “substantially increase” the use of renewable energy.[^1] Our graphic below uses multiple sources to examine the progress (and in some cases the lack of progress) made worldwide in the last decade, where the energy is coming from (hint: oil is still #1), and the investment money going toward clean energy.


[^1]: TIME Ecocentric Blog: Bright Times: Ranking the G20 Nations By Renewable Energy
[^2]: Bloomberg: World Energy Can Be 95% Renewable by 2050, Study Says

Tagged: renewable energy, alternative energy, biofuels, biofuel energy, world oil production, G20, G-20, G20 Mexico Summit, Group of Twenty, wind energy, solar energy, electricity from renewable sources, clean energy investments, clean energy, fuel, transportation, Policy & Government

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