Police to Motorists: Stop Idling Your Cars
Feb 7th, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
Letting your car idle unattended is not only bad for the environment and air quality, it could end up costing more—a fine or even your car itself.
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8 Reasons to Turn Off an Idling Car
Oct 31st, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
It happens, we know. You’re picking up a friend, waiting for a food order, or just trying to warm up your car on cold morning — and you leave it running for a little while. It’s easy to let those minutes tick by, but getting into the habit of turning your car off when you’ll be idle for more than 10 seconds can make a big difference for your pocketbook and the planet.
We put together this infographic to illustrate the many benefits of turning off your car. Be part of the solution by taking our pledge to Turn It Off when you'll be idle for more than 10 seconds.
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Cross-Country Race Proves Trucks Can 'Run on Less'
Sep 29th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
Get the results of Run on Less, a cross-country race that showed how the trucking industry could save 9.7 billion gallons of diesel fuel per year.
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Papaya Waste: The Fuel of Hawaii's Future?
Sep 15th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
Similar to fruit crops on the mainland, a sizable portion of the fruit grown in Hawaii never gets to the supermarket. A staggering 35% of the state’s multi-million-pound papaya harvest is culled from packinghouses due to reasons like disease and pest pressure or post-harvest damage. A researcher sees potential to produce biofuels from all that wasted papaya pulp.
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The Back-to-School Rule Every Parent Needs to Know
Aug 25th, 2017 | By Sustainable America
As kids head back to school around the country, here's one school rule every parent need to follow: turn off your car when you're waiting near a school. Use our new infographic to challenge your school community to take the pledge to stop idling.
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“Safe” Air Isn’t Safe Enough
Jun 30th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
A new study released this week shows that levels of air pollution that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deems safe may not be safe enough. The study, conducted by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, found that long-term exposure to airborne fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) and ozone — even below current standards established by established by the EPA — increases the risk of premature death.
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Video: How Idling at School Affects Kids' Health
May 3rd, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
There’s an invisible threat to children's health happening at U.S. schools every day. Air monitoring typically finds elevated levels of toxins during school pick-up times as parents idle their cars waiting for their kids. We’ve created this short video to help spread the message and help more schools go idle-free. Please watch, take the pledge to stop idling, and share the #iturnitoff movement in your school community.
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A Smart Solution for Truck Idling
Apr 20th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
Like most good innovations, Idle Smart’s automated idling management solution for trucks began with someone thinking, there’s got to be a better way. In this case, that person was a truck mechanic in Kansas, who realized a lot of the problems he was fixing were caused by the amount of idling trucks were doing while on the job. Functions like keeping cabin temperatures comfortable for drivers overnight or engines from freezing in cold weather are necessary to keeping trucks on the road, but idling engines cause wear and tear — and costs money in fuel and maintenance. Learn more about this smart solutions to truck riding...
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With EVs Taking Off, What's the Future for Other Alt Fuels?
Dec 14th, 2016 | By Katrina Kazda
Electric vehicles are increasingly dominating the alternative fuel market for passenger vehicles in the U.S. With this boom in electric vehicle sales, we wondered how other alternative fuel vehicle options fairing. Is there still a place for hybrid, natural gas and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the passenger vehicle market?
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Clean Cars May Cost Less Than You Think
Sep 30th, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock
Yes, you can afford an alt-fuel car.
A new study released this week by Massachusetts Institute of Technology compares the lifecycle cost and emissions of owning 125 different vehicles on the market, and guess what? It turns out that clean cars are a great deal for both the environment and your pocketbook.
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