With EVs Taking Off, What's the Future for Other Alt Fuels?
Dec 14th, 2016 | By Katrina Kazda
Electric vehicles are increasingly dominating the alternative fuel market for passenger vehicles in the U.S. With this boom in electric vehicle sales, we wondered how other alternative fuel vehicle options fairing. Is there still a place for hybrid, natural gas and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the passenger vehicle market?
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Food System
3 Great Ideas from OpenIDEO's Food Waste Challenge
Nov 29th, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock
There’s some great energy around solving the food waste problem lately. Case in point is OpenIDEO, which recently held a food waste challenge in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation, ReFED, and The San Francisco Department of the Environment. The purpose was to tap into a global community of creative problem solvers to develop ideas that could dramatically reduce food waste. Here are three of our favorite ideas.
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Food System
Anthony Bourdain Is Producing a Food Waste Documentary
Nov 2nd, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock
Anthony Bourdain is adding his name to a growing list of celebrity chefs working to raise awareness about the worldwide food waste problem. It was announced this week that the chef, author and host of CNN’s Parts Unknown is producing a feature-length documentary called WASTED! The Story of Food Waste, in conjunction with The Rockefeller Foundation.
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Food System
At Juliet, Zero Waste Is Baked Into the Menu
Oct 28th, 2016 | By Katrina Kazda
A few weeks ago, 20 diners were treated to a family-style meal at Juliet, one of the country’s hottest new restaurants. On the menu at the small Somerville, Mass., eatery were 10 beautifully crafted dishes — with a twist. Nearly all of the ingredients were foods that would have probably gone to waste if not for the care and skillful attention of the owners, chef Josh Lewin and Katrina Jazayeri.
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Food System
‘Farm-to-Court’ Food at the NBA’s Greenest Arena
Oct 10th, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock
The Sacramento Kings’ new Golden 1 Center has just set the bar very high for sustainability in sports. One aspect of its many environmental features and programs is Chef Michael Tuohy's mission to source 90 percent of the arena's food from within 150 miles.
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Clean Cars May Cost Less Than You Think
Sep 30th, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock
Yes, you can afford an alt-fuel car.
A new study released this week by Massachusetts Institute of Technology compares the lifecycle cost and emissions of owning 125 different vehicles on the market, and guess what? It turns out that clean cars are a great deal for both the environment and your pocketbook.
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Range Anxiety? Today's electric cars can cover majority of driving needs
Aug 29th, 2016 | By Jessika E Trancik
Electrifying transportation is one of the most promising ways to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, but so-called range anxiety – concern about being stranded with an uncharged car battery – remains a barrier to electric vehicle adoption. Is range anxiety justified given current cars and charging infrastructure?
It’s a question my research group and I addressed in a recent study. Specifically, we asked: When looking down on the geographic area of the U.S. from a bird’s-eye view, how many personal vehicles on the road daily could be replaced with a low-cost battery electric vehicle (EV), even if daytime charging isn’t available?
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Food System
How One Chef Is Fighting Food Waste at the Rio Olympics
Aug 8th, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock
As nations around the world have been preparing teams to compete in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, chef Massimo Bottura has assembled a dream team for his own kind of sport: feeding people in need from food that would go to waste. RefettoRio Gastromotiva, which opens today in Rio, is projected to recover 12 tons of food surplus from the Olympic Village in just 44 days during the Olympics and Paralympics.
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Food System
New Program! Sign Up to Reduce Food Waste & Save Money
Aug 8th, 2016 | By Sustainable America
Today, we're excited to launch a new online program that can help you break the cycle of food waste in your kitchen. It's called I Value Food: Too Good to Waste, and it's based on successful strategies developed by the U.S. EPA. Through this program, many families have reduced food waste by up to 50%, saving up to $1,600 per year!
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