Food System

The 'Omega Garden' Takes Hydroponics for a Spin

Apr 8th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

This month, Sustainable America will welcome the arrival of its new Omega Garden, an innovative rotary hydroponic system, which will serve as one of three indoor, urban agriculture demonstration units showcased in our new Stamford office. Its innovative design gets up to 3.5 times more in harvest per plant, without chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Now that’s impressive.
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Eco Living

Thinking Beyond 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'

Apr 7th, 2014 | By Katrina Kazda

As the field of environmental sustainability matures, so does its core concepts, goals and operating principals. For example, “reduce, reuse, recycle” has served as a guiding principles of sustainability work over the last several decades. While the three Rs remain an important theme, the conversation is beginning to shift. The very concept of “waste” is being called into question.
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Food System

The Drought In California

Apr 4th, 2014 | By Nicole Rogers

California is the biggest U.S. producer of agricultural products. It's also in its third year of drought, with 95% of the state in moderate to exceptional drought conditions. Food prices have already risen as a result, but there are likely even higher prices to come. Oh, and the rivers are so dry salmon are being driven to the sea in tanker trucks.
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"Why I Quit Oil"

Apr 1st, 2014 | By Nick Tiller

After 12 years of profiting from the energy and agriculture markets, I resigned my position as a hedge fund portfolio manager last year. Now, as the founder of Sustainable America, I devote a material portion of my time and net worth to helping make our nation’s food and fuel systems more resilient. Here's why
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Food System

"We Survived for 6 Months on Discarded Food"

Mar 31st, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

What happens when two filmmakers challenge themselves to survive for six months only on discarded food? You get Just Eat It, a new documentary that explores the food waste issue from the farm all the way to a Vancouver fridge. Here, the filmmakers share some of the shocking things they learned and how they salvaged $200,000 worth of food.
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Food System

Peanuts and Cracker Jacks and...Compost?

Mar 26th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

Composting may not be the first thing that comes to you mind when you think about eating at a ball game, but the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is working to change that. This week, the environmental group has published the Guide to Composting at Sports Venues, a free resource for stadiums that want to reduce and manage their food waste more effectively.
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Food System

Compost Parks: A New Vision for Food Waste

Mar 21st, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

A big problem like food waste in America is going to take big ideas to tackle, and that’s why we like the visionary new plan for dealing with New York City’s organic waste floated by a young architecture firm earlier this month. Present Architecture proposed building a network of Green Loops on the waterways surrounding the city that would have a dual purpose: compost organic waste and provide new park space.
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Eco Living

3 Steps to Recycling More at Work

Mar 19th, 2014 | By Heide Hart

Part of our work at Sustainable America includes helping events move toward zero waste. Now that we have moved into our new headquarters, we are working to bring this effort home. Not surprisingly, workplace recycling requires care and planning much like at events. The process is ongoing, but we would like to share what we’ve experience so far and a few solutions that we’ve found helpful.
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Food System

Reviving Neighborhoods with Aquaponics

Mar 18th, 2014 | By Jeremy Kranowitz

At Sustainable America, we are focused on ways to double or triple the amount of local food produced on urban farms and in what are known as “controlled environment agriculture” efforts, which include hydroponics, aquaponics and, more recently, aeroponics. We see lots of opportunities to develop the market for CEA systems in the thousands of abandoned factory buildings, warehouses, shopping malls and school buildings across the country.
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