Eco Living
2015 Sustainable America Gift Guide
Nov 24th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
The holidays are a great time to show your love for family and friends — and the planet — by giving eco-friendly gifts. We've put together a fun list of gift ideas that can help lucky recipients grow and enjoy food, waste less of it, and keep safe on bike rides.
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Voyo Is Turning Older Cars Into Fuel-Efficient Smart Cars
Nov 19th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
You’ve got a FitBit for your body. Soon, you can have something similar for your car. San Francisco startup Voyomotive has developed Voyo, a telematics system that can tap into your car’s diagnostics system and allow you do a whole host of things previously only available on tricked-out connected cars. We’re most excited about Voyo’s fuel-saving features, like a plug-and-play start/stop system, that can help drivers dramatically cut idling time and drive more efficiently.
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Food System
Sustainable America Receives Grant to Expand Food Waste Education
Nov 12th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
Earlier this year, we launched I Value Food, a national campaign to help educate people about food waste and how to reduce it. Soon, we'll be kicking off a project closer to home, here in Connecticut. We were just awarded a $25,000 grant from the EPA's New England office to implement a Food: Too Good to Waste program with members of faith-based congregations in the Greater Bridgeport and Stamford areas.
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Food System
How to Keep Food Safe in Power Outages and Floods
Nov 9th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
When dealing with severe weather, the priority is keeping yourself, your family and your pets safe. If the power goes out -- and is out for a while -- it's important to keep your food from spoiling and know how to decide what to toss it if does go bad.
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Food System
Join Us and Foodstand for #NoFoodWaste November!
Nov 4th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
As we head into the holiday season, it's a great time to challenge yourself to minimize food waste — and get creative about it! Our friends at Foodstand seem to agree. This month, we're thrilled that they are choosing to use their new app to inspire food lovers to waste less and share tips.
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Food System
Imperfect Produce: Giving 'Uglies' a Chance
Oct 29th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
Did you know that most grocery stores won’t buy bell peppers that can’t stand up straight? Strict produce cosmetic standards require peppers to have a perfect bell shape. “If you put it on a table and it tips over onto its side, it’s going to be rejected,” says Ben Simon.
Simon is one of the founders of Imperfect Produce, a startup we’ve recently added to our portfolio of investments. The San Francisco business sources cosmetically imperfect produce from farms and sells it in affordable weekly subscription boxes. In addition to moving this food back onto our plates, they are recovering the energy, water, and other resources used to grow all of that so called “ugly’ produce.
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Food System
White House Recognizes Sustainable Agriculture Changemakers
Oct 27th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
The White House recently honored 12 agricultural leaders as Champions of Change for Sustainable and Climate-Smart Agriculture. They were recognized for leading efforts in sustainable agriculture that benefit soil, air, and water quality while helping to mitigate climate change by reducing emissions. Among them was our newest board member, Erin Fitzgerald Sexson. Sexson is senior vice president of global sustainability at Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy.
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Report: More EVs and Cleaner Grid Can Lower Emissions Significantly by 2050
Oct 22nd, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
Some studies have found that replacing gasoline vehicles with electric vehicles is like trading one dirty fossil fuel for another if the electricity is coming from a coal-fired power plant. Other studies make a good case for driving electric even in regions dominated by coal.
These studies are helpful if you’re evaluating which car to buy and drive today, but what about in the future? What impact can getting more EVs on the road have as the energy grid gets cleaner? Can EVs make a significant difference in lowering total emissions?
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Food System
'Waste Free Kitchen Handbook' Offers Advice for Home Cooks
Oct 12th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
Even for the most motivated among us, cutting down on food waste at home can mean changing lifelong habits of shopping, cooking and eating. Luckily, there's a new book that can help. The Waste Free Kitchen Handbook by Dana Gunders, staff scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council, is a slim, encouraging guide to wasting less food packed with practical, attainable strategies for busy people.
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