Eco Living

10 Ways to Feel Less Guilty About Waste This Christmas

Dec 17th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Did you know that household waste increases by more than 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Year’s? Don’t be dismayed. You can help the planet by making a few smart choices this year. Here are 10 ideas for greening the season.
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Eco Living

The Sustainable America 2013 Gift Guide

Dec 14th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

If you're still shopping for holiday gifts (and who isn't), we've put together a great collection of gift ideas that will help anyone on your list live the sustainable lifestyle. We've got ideas for locavores, cooks, bike commuters, and anyone who likes to save money on gas (um, that's everyone, right?)—as well as a few last-minute gifts you can whip up in your kitchen in a pinch.
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Food System

Flipping the Farm-to-Table Equation

Dec 13th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

A handful of high-end farm-to-table restaurants in cities like New York City and Orlando have found a new way to get the most out of the close ties they keep with local farmers. Vegetable peelings from the kitchen and leftover fare from diners’ plates is catching a ride back to the farm to become gourmet livestock feed. The arrangement means savings for farmers and, thanks to better-fed birds, cows and pigs, better-tasting meals on customers’ plates.
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Food System

Desperately Seeking (Black-Eyed) Susan

Dec 11th, 2013 | By Ellen Niz

Did you know there are 10 million acres of front and back yards in America—enough to produce 43.5 million tons of food—but only 35 percent of U.S. households grew food in 2012? Growing where you are gives people the power to eat healthier and revitalize their communities, but many gardeners lack the land they need, and those with the land don’t always know what to do with it.
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Vecarius Wins Sustainable America/Greentown Labs Fellowship

Dec 9th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

We’re thrilled to announce the winner of the 2013 Sustainable America/Greentown Labs Fellowship. Vecarius, a vehicle waste-heat recovery company based in Boston, was chosen from a field of nine finalists who pitched their business ideas to a room of 60 entrepreneurs, investors, engineers, and students at a networking event Thursday at Greentown Labs in Somerville, Mass.
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Turning Truckers Into Treehuggers

Dec 5th, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

As more and more Americans realize the truth about idling their cars, we can’t forget about the millions of truckers transporting products for us across the nation’s highways. You might not realize how much time those trucks spend idling to power their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems inside the cabs of the trucks in which they basically live while on the road. Regulations require them to take at least an eight to 10 hour break every day—and for much of that time, their trucks are idling or using diesel-powered auxiliary units for power.
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Eco Living

4 Ways to Give Back on #GivingTuesday

Dec 3rd, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Today is the second-annual #GivingTuesday, and we love the idea—it's a great reminder to consider the causes whose work you want to support. Sustainable America, hopefully, is one of them. We have come up with a list of ways you can help support our mission to reduce U.S. oil consumption while increasing U.S. food production on #GivingTuesday.
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Eco Living

7 Ways to Save Gas This Winter

Dec 2nd, 2013 | By Amy Leibrock

Have you ever noticed that your car gets lower gas mileage in winter? It's sad but true — most people experience a winter gas mileage drop — and the reasons are many. Find out why it happens and learn some surprisingly easy ways to can beat the winter gas-sapping blues in our latest infographic.
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Food System

3 New Urban Farm Projects To Watch

Nov 27th, 2013 | By Nicole Rogers

The urban farming movement is going strong, with organizers worldwide working to bring food production into urban areas. Urban food production improves city dwellers' access to fresh food, promotes food justice, and reduces transportation costs. Check out three up-and-coming urban farming projects tailor-made to suit the needs of their communities.
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