Food System

7 Exciting Findings from ReFED’s Food Waste Report

Mar 14th, 2016 | By Amy Leibrock

A group of the country’s foremost experts and business leaders concerned with food waste convened in Stanford, Calif., on March 9 for the release of a report that could be a turning point in the movement to reduce food waste in the United States. The first of its kind, the report looks at the problem of food waste through an economic lens. It analyzes the costs and benefits of various solutions to the problem and offers up strategies for putting the solutions into action. Here are some of the most exciting findings.
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Food System

How the Moringa Tree Could Improve Nutrition Worldwide

Mar 9th, 2016 | By Ellen Niz

Lisa Curtis first encountered moringa as a Peace Corps volunteer in Niger when a local woman suggested she eat the tree's leaves to combat fatigue caused by her vegetarian diet. Soon she felt better and became an advocate for the nutritional power of moringa, a drought-tolerant tree that has provided food around the world for thousands of years. Read how Curtis' company Kuli Kuli, our latest investment, is creating an market for moringa to improve nutrition and livelihoods of women farmers in the developing world.
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2015 Year-End Review: A Year of Ingenuity

Feb 15th, 2016 | By Jeremy Kranowitz

One of the most popular movies of 2015 was The Martian, a story of an astronaut, stranded on Mars, who uses ingenuity to grow food in poor Martian soil, capture solar energy to extend the distance he can travel in rovers, and communicate with the public on Earth. This captivating movie has a lot in common with the year we had at Sustainable America.
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Food System

How to Compost in Winter, Indoors or Outdoors

Jan 12th, 2016 | By Rebecca Louie

Don’t let Old Man Winter put the freeze on your composting efforts! He’ll try his best to thwart you by turning your piles to ice, slowing down microbes, shooing away composting crawlies, and stealing away the sun. Still, composters with a fire for recycling food scraps can melt through any Polar Vortex, Arctic Assault or plain ol’ cold snap to make sure the job gets done. Here are a few tips and strategies for making winter composting a success from Rebecca Louie, author of Compost City.
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Teen Activist Pushes Town to Go Idle-Free

Jan 7th, 2016 | By Katrina Kazda

For more than half of his life, 17-year-old Alex Scaperotta has been fighting to end unnecessary vehicle idling in his hometown of Wilton, Conn.
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Food System

Top 5 Food Waste Trends of 2015

Dec 30th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

It seems that food waste is having a moment. When we launched I Value Food a year ago, we knew the food waste issue was starting to get more attention, but we couldn’t foresee the tremendous progress the movement would make in 12 months. Looking back, 2015 may go down in history as the year Americans finally looked eye-to-eye with the 70-billion-pound mountain of food waste and decided to dismantle it.
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Eco Living

Our Most Popular Food and Fuel Stories of 2015

Dec 22nd, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

In case you missed any, here’s a roundup of our most popular blog posts of 2015. As you can see by this list, our readers are more interested than ever in learning about the food waste problem and finding ways to fix it. On the fuel side, stories about innovation and idling reduction were popular, too.
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Charging Ahead in the Cloud

Dec 16th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

We’re charged up about Sustainable America’s latest investment. EV Connect, a 6-year-old company in El Segundo, Calif., is working to streamline the electric vehicle charging ecosystem for both drivers and property managers through a hardware-agnostic, cloud-based software system.
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Food System

CropMobster Starts a Salvaged Food Dinner Series

Dec 9th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

Today, we’re bringing you a guest post by Nick “Nicky Bobby” Papadopoulos, CEO and Co-Founder of CropMobster. Nick started CropMobster on his family’s Northern California farm with the mission of igniting the power of community sharing and social media to crowdsource solutions to food waste, hunger and local food system challenges. Since 2013, CropMobster’s network has saved more than 2 million pounds of food from going to waste in the San Francisco Bay region! Recently, Nick — inspired by an article on — organized an $80-a-plate dinner for 30 made from salvaged food. Here’s how he did it.
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