Food System

Solving the Problem of Moving Day Food Waste

Sep 29th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

Growing up working for his family’s 90-year-old moving business, Adam Lowy saw lots of things get thrown out in the stress of moving day. Often, food would be part of the purge. Hating to see it go to waste, Lowy started asking customers a few years ago if they’d like to donate the food. It turned out, they did; in one month, Lowy had collected over 300 pounds of nonperishable food. Find out what happened when he took it to a New Jersey food bank.
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Food System

USDA and EPA Set Historic Goal to Cut U.S. Food Waste in Half

Sep 16th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

Today is a groundbreaking day in the fight against food waste. The Obama administration announced the United States’ first-ever food waste reduction goal: Reduce food waste in America by 50 percent by 2030.
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The Future of the Electric Car Battery

Sep 14th, 2015 | By Kyle Napolitano

The electric vehicle is one of the most promising sustainable methods of personal transportation. But what about the batteries used to power EVs? Once they can no longer power a car, it is important that EV batteries are not simply thrown into landfills, but rather recycled or better yet, repurposed.
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Food System

High-Rise Urban Farming

Aug 31st, 2015 | By Nikki Carenza

Farming may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New York City, but some of its residents have solved the challenge of restricted space by utilizing the city’s most underused space: rooftops. A recent visit to Brooklyn Grange demonstrated how creative farmers today can produce local food no matter where they live.
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Food System

How Fertilizer Made from Food Waste Can Help Drought-Stricken Farms

Aug 26th, 2015 | By Gray Peckham

The U.S. industrial farming system has largely left natural fertilizers behind in favor of chemical-based fertilizers in the search for more efficiency and higher yields. But there’s a downside to increased productivity – chemicals strip the soil of its nutrients and damage the natural biome. Farmers have known for millennia that manure, compost and other organic matter benefit the soil. But solid organics are heavy and difficult to spread over the millions of acres of farmland that need it. We’ve recently invested in a company with an exciting product that gets around both of these problems. Read more about California Safe Soil’s new Harvest-to-Harvest liquid fertilizer made from food waste.
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Food System

Watch: Rob Greenfield's Campaign Against Grocery Store Food Waste

Aug 20th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

After bicycling across America last summer rescuing food from supermarket dumpsters, activist Rob Greenfield is continuing his #DonateNotDump campaign. His goal is to inspire consumers to ask grocery stores to donate edible food to people who need it instead of throwing it away. He just released a new video sharing highlights of the food he found and the news coverage he got throughout his journey.
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Building a Better Gas Tank

Aug 12th, 2015 | By Gray Peckham

Introducing our latest investment: Infinite Composites Technologies. This Tulsa-based company has an innovative design to make higher capacity, lighter tanks for alternative fuels, helping to increase efficiency and solve range anxiety.
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Food System

Campus Food Waste Crusaders

Jul 30th, 2015 | By Katie Breck

The amount of food waste generated on college campuses might not cross every student’s mind as they rush through the cafeteria before class. But if they did they homework, they would learn that 22 million pounds of edible food is thrown away at college campuses each year. Two inspiring organizations are working to change that.
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Food System

Watch John Oliver Take Aim at Food Waste in America

Jul 20th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

John Oliver took on the issue of food waste last night on “Last Week Tonight,” and we are so thrilled he did. The comedian spent close to 20 minutes explaining the problem and lambasting the wasteful ways of all players in our food system. Here's the video:
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