Eco Living
How to Compost at Work
Mar 24th, 2015 | By Katy Franklin
Although the concept of a lunch hour has changed in recent decades, millions of Americans still eat in the workplace nearly every day. That means that millions of sandwich crusts, banana peels and coffee grounds (lots of coffee grounds) get tossed out in the office garbage. Although many employers and corporate office buildings in America have implemented successful workplace recycling programs, few can say the same about composting programs. Here's a look at how we started an office composting system, and you can too!
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Eco Living
Can You Host a Dinner Made From Salvaged Food?
Mar 17th, 2015 | By Larissa Zimberoff
From dinners held in dumpsters to a high-end pop-up restaurants, food waste is being elevated to haute cuisine as a way to spread awareness about the issue. Learn more about the trend, and how to host your own wasted food dinner party.
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New York City May Enlist Citizens to Help Enforce Idling Laws
Mar 9th, 2015 | By Jeremy Kranowitz
Laws against idling vehicles are on the books across the country, but in many places, including New York City, they aren’t heavily enforced. Two New York City Council members are hoping to change that by introducing a bill on Wednesday that will reward citizens for reporting idling violators. If adopted, citizens could upload videos of idling vehicles to a city website and receive a payment if fines are collected.
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Eco Living
A Milestone for Zero-Waste Events
Mar 2nd, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
On Superbowl Sunday, we partnered with a local culinary competition event to help them compost their food waste. We just learned that the event diverted more than four times as much waste to compost than last year’s event — that’s 2,840 pounds of food scraps and compostable items that are being recycled into a nutrient-rich soil supplement instead of being incinerated!
The numbers are one thing to celebrate, but Chilifest has also helped us reach an important milestone as an organization. We’re now equipped with the tools and expertise to help even more events around the country compost their food waste.
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Food System
New Dietary Guidelines: Cut Back on Meat to Help the Environment
Feb 25th, 2015 | By Jeremy Kranowitz
Last week brought big food news affecting everything on our dining room table, from eggs and coffee at breakfast to steaks at dinner. It came in the form of the latest recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee for amounts of various foods that Americans should eat. Read Executive Director Jeremy Kranowitz's reaction to the news.
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A New Fix for the Nitrogen Problem
Feb 17th, 2015 | By Sarah Stankorb
Even though farmers don’t blindly follow outmoded aphorisms of the trade, like measuring corn “knee-high by the Fourth of July”, many do still abide by old habits. Some apply manure annually in November regardless of weather or land conditions. Many do their best to adapt to the season’s rainfall, yet treat all their farmland the same way, regardless of how that land varies across acreage. And that hurts their bottom lines—and the environment. A new technology, however, has the potential to push farming forward by helping farmers grow more with less impact on the environment.
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Eco Living
Student Group Takes Action on Idling
Feb 9th, 2015 | By Katy Franklin
Students often seek us out for information about sustainability issues, and helping these young activists is one of the most satisfying things about our work. A recent example is Jack Carnahan, a senior from Champlain Valley Union High School in Hinesburg, Vermont, who contacted us asking for help on an issue that we care deeply about: vehicle idling.
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Eco Living
2014 in Review: A Message From Our Executive Director
Feb 2nd, 2015 | By Jeremy Kranowitz
The problem is clear: Two of the top three expenses for most Americans are food and fuel, even despite today’s lower gas prices. Our current food and fuel systems are tightly interconnected and unsustainable. Sustainable America’s mission is to tackle these issues by helping to reduce America’s oil consumption by 50 percent and increase food availability by 50 percent over the next two decades. Here are a few highlights of our organization’s accomplishments and milestones that made a difference in 2014.
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Food System
How the Fridge of the Future Will Fight Food Waste
Jan 27th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock
Are you ready for a smarter refrigerator? Many of the kitchen appliance ideas we saw coming out of the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month focused on convenience and novelty, but several stand-out projects promise to help your fridge help you do what it’s intended to do: keep food from spoiling until you eat it.
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