Eco Living

Chicago Brewery Says “Cheers” to Reducing Food Waste

Jan 12th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

Can beer help end food waste? Two Chicago-area businesses think so. Starting January 15, Goose Island Brew Pub will be pouring a batch of “Zero Percent,” a tribute beer named for technology startup Zero Percent, a company that helps businesses donate food that would otherwise be thrown away to nonprofits.
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Eco Living

Investing: 2014 Was an Impactful Year

Jan 7th, 2015 | By Gray Peckham

We’re excited about the four investments we made in 2014, and hope that over time, these companies contribute to improving life for all of us. In keeping with our overall mission, our investments were made in companies that seek to reduce oil used in transportation, repurpose food waste and strengthen local agriculture. Here’s a rundown of these four sustainable startups poised for growth.
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Food System

Introducing 'I Value Food,' a Campaign to End Food Waste

Jan 5th, 2015 | By Amy Leibrock

We love food in this country, so it’s mind-boggling to learn that 40 percent of the food we produce never gets eaten. Especially when 49 million households deal with food insecurity every year. In an effort to tackle this pressing issue, we've just launched, a movement that takes a fresh look at how food gets wasted and offers tools everyone can use to make a real impact on food waste, both personally and nationally.
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Eco Living

Make Your 2014 End-of-Year Donation

Dec 29th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

Thanks to donations from supporters like you, Sustainable America has grown from a budding idea to an exciting nonprofit organization in two short years. We have gathered more than 10,000 pledges to stop vehicle idling, helped several events eliminate food waste, invested in a great group of sustainably-minded start-ups — and much more.
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Eco Living

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014

Dec 23rd, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

In case you missed some, here’s a roundup of our most popular blog posts of the year. Based on this list, it seems that our readers are all working on ways to waste less, garden more and learn about the latest fuel-saving technologies. Keep it up! We've got lots of great content planned for 2015.
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On the Road with CNG

Dec 16th, 2014 | By Katy Franklin

Earlier this year, Piedmont Natural Gas generously donated a bi-fuel van, meaning it runs on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and gasoline, to the Sustainable America fleet. We were thrilled to have the 2002 Chevy 2500 Express Passenger Van to use in our alternative fuel programming and educational outreach, but first we had to drive it from Charlotte, N.C., back to our headquarters in Stamford, Conn. Here's how it went...
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Eco Living

2014 Sustainable America Gift Guide

Dec 12th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

Looking for the perfect gifts for the sustainability-minded folks on your list? We’ve put together some ideas for just about everyone, from kids to gardeners to cooks. (If you happen to shop through this year, keep in mind that .05% of your purchases can be donated to Sustainable America if you sign up with AmazonSmile.)
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Eco Living

12 Ways to Make Your Next Party More Sustainable

Dec 9th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock

When my daughter celebrated her bat mitzvah this fall, we were incredibly proud of her accomplishments and poise, but also pleased with her choices to make the reception a sustainable one. Weddings, funerals and rites of passage like bar mitzvahs and confirmations can generate a tremendous amount of waste, but with a little forethought, these celebrations can be meaningful, fun and sustainable.
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7 Technologies That Can Slash Idling

Dec 5th, 2014 | By Katrina Kazda

We’ve been known to get more than a little irked when we notice people [idling their vehicles]( unnecessarily, like at drive-thrus or school pick-ups. It wastes gas, it pollutes the air, it stinks and it’s just, well, unnecessary. But some drivers get a free idling pass, right? Don’t refrigerated trucks, utility vehicles, safety and emergency vehicles and long-haul trucks often need to keep their engines running to power auxiliary functions? Yes, and no. Here, we explain.
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