Natural Gas Cars and Vehicle Fleets
Aug 17th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Most people don't think of natural gas fueling cars, but it does! There are natural gas powered cars on U.S. roads right now. The Honda Civic Natural Gas runs entirely on natural gas, using no gasoline. The Honda CNG has a suggested retail price of $26,305, with possible tax incentives available.
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Food System
Open Ocean Aquaculture
Aug 15th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
Open Ocean Aquaculture is broadly defined as "the rearing of marine organisms in exposed areas beyond significant coastal influence." In these systems, larger pelagic fish like tuna, halibut or cod are raised for consumption.
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Food System
How CSAs help small farmers during times of drought
Aug 13th, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Sustainable America spoke on the phone with farmer Tim Huth, of LotFotL (pronounced like "hot bottle") Farm in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, about the drought of 2012, and how the farm's CSA has helped them weather the heat.
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Aug 10th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
With the biofuels sector bringing in some $1.4 billion through investment in just 33 "biomass to energy" technology corporations, there are lots of players looking to get into the game while its still relatively early. Biomass, as a renewable energy source, is considered biological material from living or recently living organisms.
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Food System
What is a factory farm?
Aug 8th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
A burger is a burger is a burger right? Well, not always so. Where and how your food was raised can make a distinct difference in the taste and nutritional quality of the food. But it’s also important to realize that the food system you choose to support every time you eat can make a difference. Large-scale industrial agriculture contributes to higher oil and fuel usage, more pesticide usage, loss of crop diversity, soil degradation and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
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The Coming Saudi Oil Storm
Aug 6th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
At Sustainable America we found this article from Ned Davis Research important to share. As the authors John LaForge and Warren Pies illuminate, there is a perfect storm brewing in Saudi Arabia which could likely drive oil prices higher than we may have imagined in the near future.
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The Bike Superhighways of Denmark
Aug 3rd, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
Today, cycling is part of Copenhagen's culture. Bikes are everywhere! But there was a time when vehicle traffic clogged Denmark's capital city's roads. In the 1970s Denmark faced an energy crisis, a recession, and increasing car traffic congestion. The public demanded better transportation infrastructure and options.
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Renewable Energy Around The World
Aug 1st, 2012 | By Nicole Rogers
In light of the G20 Summit in Mexico this summer, Sustainable America took a look at what has changed since 2002, when this group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 major economies pledged to “substantially increase” the use of renewable energy.
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Ethanol 15 hits the road
Jul 30th, 2012 | By Aubrey Yee
Just this month, a gas station in Lawrence, Kansas became the first in the nation to offer e15. E15, or Ethanol 15, is a blend of 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline. It's meant to be an alternative that would eventually replace the e10, or 10% ethanol blend, that has become ubiquitous across the United States.
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